Living in Billings February 21, 2024

Winter Hikes – tips for hitting the trails

This is me in January on the Mystic Lake trail! it’s a great one to hit with snow shoes!

Winter hiking is such a great way to reclaim the season and remain active all year long!  Whether you’re planning on hiking in the snow or just braving the deep freeze, all you need is the right gear and proper planning to have a great time!

There are a lot of great reasons to give winter hiking a try: no crowds, no bugs, no wildfire smoke, and the quiet calming serenity of the winter landscape. Especially if there’s been a dusting of snow, even trails you’ve hiked a million times before can be transformed into a magical winter wonderland.

Winter Hiking Tips:

  • Everything takes longer than you’d expect, so be cautious with how many miles you commit to.
  • Always check the weather forecast & trail conditions and plan accordingly (which might mean canceling).
  • Invest in quality winter clothing and learn how to layer properly.
  • Stay hydrated & snack frequently. These both play a big factor in body temperature regulation. Also, winter hiking takes more effort than summer hiking, so you’ll want to keep up on calories and stay ahead of the dehydration curve.
  • Always pack snow shoes just in case.
  • Even for short hikes, make sure you are bringing the essentials you normally carry. (GPS, sun protection, layers of clothing, water, food, first aid, etc.)
  • It is far better to identify and AVOID the hazards of winter hiking than it is to deal with their consequences.

My favorite local trail in the winter is Mystic Lake! Talk about breathtaking views! This trail with snow-capped mountains and blue waters is truly a Winter Wonderland. I am curious what your favorite trails are in the winter, let me know so I can check them out.